
Showing posts from May, 2020

An Author's Biography by Jon Ellison

Jonathan David Ellison was born in Montreal, Canada, but raised in Leicester, England. The second son of an engineer and eye-physician, his original career ambition was to design aircraft, after watching the TV shows by Gerry Anderson as a child. But it wasn’t until his teens when Jon was inspired to enter the film industry while studying A-Level Film Studies. He wrote his first full screenplay (Keep Feeling) Fascination, a Human League musical, at the age of seventeen. He took his ambitions further and enrolled to study a filmmaking course at The University of Northampton. One of his short films, Magic Midget, was screened at the Picturedrome in Northampton. To this end, he earned a bachelor’s degree. Although currently working as a cleaner at a local college to pay off student loans, Jon is still extending his film-production portfolio. He is 30, studying a master’s in Creative Writing at DeMontfort University and working on a new feature-length screenplay for a family film.