
Showing posts from March, 2023

RIP Tom Sizemore

 I know I mentioned on my last article that I was breaking from writing anymore articles on this blog. However, since I've just heard the news on actor Tom Sizemore's unfortunate demise, I thought that now shall be the time to give a brief tribute to the guy. Tom Sizemore has had a great acting career in his life. I write this piece as someone who has personally seen a large number of action movies in his life. I shall remember him for films such as Natural Born Killers , Black Hawk Down , Pearl Harbor , but the role I shall mostly remember him for is as the loud-mouthed tough nut Sergeant Horvath in Saving Private Ryan . The film has been considered ground-breaking due to the atmospheric cinematography, splendid use of sound effects and the fact that many war movies have used Steven Spielberg's masterpiece as one of their influences. Even the video game series, Call Of Duty , uses similar filming techniques. However, the actors' performances also contribute to the film

Two Unsung Heroes Gone

 Before I begin, I want to talk briefly about the content I used on my previous article. I'd like to apologise to anybody who may have been put off by what I wrote regarding the censorship which Roald Dahl's books have recently faced. However, when it comes to reviews, whether positive or negative, I always try to sound as constructive as possible. Like many creatives, I never intend to cause offence. Though there have been numerous articles i.e. in the Guardian where similar arguments have been stated. It just so happens that I personally agree with them. I just thought I'd make things clear and again, sorry for any off-puts. Now onto the main topic for this article. Recently during the last few days, two filmmakers had passed away. I refer to those filmmakers as unsung heroes, particularly because they've achieved a lot over the years, but despite that, they have hardly been referenced through public discussions and so forth much. Firstly, I shall talk about Burny Mat