
Showing posts from December, 2021

Advice On WiFi

 Hello everybody, it's that time of year again. It's also what I feel is the appropriate time to be posting my monthly blog since that's the case. Of course, you may feel that since you've read my title, it'd be a rather strange topic to discuss considering what today is and what tomorrow will be. But as one would say, it's best to say sooner rather than later. Some of you who read my previous blog may know that I recently moved house - technically it's a new flat. One thing I didn't point out was that it did not have wireless internet. However, I have now sorted it out. But it did turn out to be a wind up. I had received a smart hub device from BT. The device had a plug which required a phone socket and phone line which was not included in my flat and some organisations do not allow extra sockets to be drilled in. Next, I purchased a WiFi mini device from EE and voila, internet sorted! So here's what I must advice to those who ever plan to relocate