My Personal Top 11 Musicians

Hello fellow readers. For this blog post, I shall be ranking what I personally regard as the top best musicians. In this case, I'm defining an individual musician, which means that I shall be excluding music bands such as Queen and the Stranglers from this list. I'll be judging each musician by their skills in vocals, instrument playing, writing, and/or so forth. Some of the musicians are known to have performed in bands, but these bands will mostly have featured instrument playing musicians, with technical and/or writing skills. I judge not so much on one's personality, nor do I consider the "iconography" or success. Each time, I shall provide a list of what's included in the musician's portfolio which I personally recommend. For some, I have provided YouTube links, but only for those that I could find. Because this is a review based-post, all of the information is opinion-based and I'm sure you have different opinions, which is fair enough. But in t...