My Newer Web Launch

Usually, I tend to write blog posts earlier each month. Unfortunately, I had recently lost a close relative of ours. Therefore things have been going slow lately and we're in the process of making arrangements. However, I thought it'd be appropriate to introduce something to you. Previously, I had introduced a new website of mine. The trouble was that I had experienced technical difficulties with that website. I had used Wix on that occasion and the problems related to the width of each page and attempts at making adjustments. So I have since switched to WordPress and here is the result; You'll notice that I've used the same logo, but that the layout's obviously a little bit different. In my experience, should one create a website, one should pick an online source which is easy to navigate. Therefore, I've chosen WordPress, since I did create a blog website previously, which I now call my alternative blog. This website's got an intro...