Arts Education Matters

 Hello readers, sorry for not posting anything last month. I've been busy. Plus, I did post quite a lot the month before.

I came across this petition recently, which I think is worth signing. Apparently, the Government intends to impose a catastrophic 50% funding cut to arts subjects at higher education level in England. Through the guidance letter, Gavin Williamson, the education secretary, has had this to say;

"The OfS should reprioritise funding towards the provision of high-cost, high-value subjects … We would then potentially seek further reductions in future years."

This 50% cut could jeopardise the future of the UK Arts and for those who want a career in th creative arts. So far, this petition has had 153,224 signatures, but the more signatures this petition gets, the merrier. Arts education matters a lot to the future and no less than education in other sectors.

As was always stated; Education is a right, not a privilege.

The link to the petition is displayed below. Please sign;

Thank you.


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