New Sound Equipment Purchased and New Film Out!

Usually, when something new and interesting happens in my life, I write about it quickly. However, daily responsibilities often delay me. Now seems like the right time to share some updates. Recently, I've been working as a freelance sound recordist and assistant on various short films and features, mostly on location. Earlier this month, I assisted on a short film in Coventry, using the provided equipment, including a Mix-Pre-6. Though it was new to me, it was easy to use. Owning your own equipment can be very helpful, which brings me to my recent purchases. First up is the Zoom F8N. Previously, I used a pocket-sized Tascam, which I still have. The Zoom F8N allows for multiple microphones to be connected. I tested it with a new boom microphone, and the sound quality was excellent. It's great for both indoor and outdoor shoots. However, for outdoor use, always carry spare AA batteries because the device consumes a lot of battery power. One issue I encountered was that a couple ...